sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Versión karaoke: Celia Cruz - La vida es un carnaval SC: www.descargar-karaoke.com

Celia Cruz - La Vida Es Un Carnaval


Ricardo Montaner - Soy Feliz (Video Oficial)

Demasiado popular por estos días en Argentina, pero tal vez nuevo para algunos amigos que están aprendiendo o gustan de la lengua española.
Aquí, la letra:


viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Nos tomamos unas pequeñas vacaciones

Well, we wish they were holidays, but since I'm unable to conduct the meeting we will be back on singing on the 15th October.
In the meantime, some new songs will be suggested.
Nos vemos

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

¡Sí, es hoy!

Caipirinha brasileña y canciones en español...¡una muy buena combinación!
¡Nos encontramos a las 10pm GMT en skype!

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010

Viernes 17 de Septiembre: todos hacemos karaoke online

Well, well, well.
THIS FRIDAY... EVERYONE SINGS at the Spanish Karoke Club. Too much talking and little singing so far...so time has come!
I know, it requires courage, but WE CAN!
I promise I'll be the 1st volunteer ;-)
Time slot suggested: 7pm (Argentina, GMT-3) - You can suggest another time slot for another meeting on same day-
Apart from enjoying beatiful and also funny songs we will have the chance to learn how to prepare CAIPIROSKA (Brazilian drink) with a recipe provided by a native Brazilian.
¿Sientes curiosidad?
¡No te pierdas el próximo encuentro del Club de Karaoke en Español!
¡Hasta el viernes!

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Next meeting: on WiZiQ

¡Hola a todos!
Next Karaoke meeting will be held on WiZiQ to let other know what it is about.
Join us or watch the recording.
Nos vemos

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

MeEtTiNg ToDaY!

Ready to sing, practice Spanish and enjoy a great time together?
Remember, we are meeting today on skype, at 3pm Brasilia time (-3) which is 6 pm (GMT)
You can check on the time for the time zone of your location at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
¡Nos vemos luego!

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Coming meeting /Próximo encuentro

Do you want more Karaoke in Spanish?

What about next Friday -27th August- 6pm (GMT)?
If you want to join us, send us a mail to give you the details.
We are going to be meeting on Thursdays or Fridays, depending on our agreeing.
Remember that these Club meetings are virtual, on Skype. You only need to know some Spanish and be ready to have a good time.
Whether you want to sing or just listen to your mates sing, feel free to join us!
Hasta pronto

Edith & Mariano

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Today is the day!

We are meeting today for the first time. Remember it is a virtual meeting on Skype. Email us to salavirtual1@hotmail to get the info to join us today or next meetings!
¡Nos vemos!

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

¿Qué haremos en nuestro encuentro?

Como en todo Club de Karaoke:
> Haremos amigos
> Nos encontraremos con amigos
> Cantaremos
> Probablemente, bailaremos
> Y por qué no, tomaremos tragos juntos (*)
> Mas, sobre todo, pasaremos un buen momento

(*) El segundo encuentro incluirá una receta de trago para preparar mientras. Revisa el blog frecuentemente

¡Ya hay varios fanáticos practicando!

Versión Original #4 Me gustas tú (Manu Chao)


Versión Karaoke #4: Me gustas tú (Manu Chao)

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

What's the idea, then?

We have thought of asking participants to prepare a song by themselves, among a number of suggestions, and then to have ONE SONG for all of us to sing along together!
We will have a number of songs to share a meeting: there could be solos, duets, choirs, etc.
Before each performance, we will refer to the author, the song, the country where the author is from. We will also focus on some vocabulary to help comprehension.
After the performances, we will give the singers a score (from 1-5) based on:
1. Courage to sing!
2. Intonation,
3. Articulation,
4. Foreign accent-reduction
5. Audience encouraging
6. Enthusiasm when singing the song,

Primera reunión

Primera reunión del Club de karaoke en español 20 de agosto:
We will sing, have fun, learn about singers and songs and learn/ practice Spanish!

We'll use skype for the meeting (20 members maximum) JOIN US!
Email us for more details.

Versión original: Burbujas de amor (J.L.Guerra)


Versión Karaoke Burbujas de amor (J.L.Guerra)

Bienvenidos al Club de Karaoke en Español

Some Terms and conditions ( to be revisited)

1. To be non-native speaker of Spanish
2. To have bare knowledge of Spanish
3. Not to be a professional singer
4. To be respectful to other participants
5. To show enthusiasm, to be encouraging and patient
6. To take and give turns to speak, sing, ask, answer
7. Not to use inappropriate language (disrespectful) in any language
8. To be ready to have a good time!